11-11 Make a wish and join Indigenous Elder Patricia Anne Davis

Dear Joyfuellers,

In a few hours I have the privilege and joy of hosting an event with friends at the Co-Creators Convergence, featuring 90-minutes with an extraordinary teacher and friend Patrician Anne Davis.

You are invited to join us in the Zoomy. Being with Patricia and hearing her share is a profound blessing. I am always learning and expanding and working to reclaim my own natural order and interconnectedness to the world and to all my relatives–2 legged, 4-legged, wing-ed, finned… rocks, fire, earth. Grandmother Patricia has made a deep impact on my heartmind and affirmed to me the power of word choice.

TOPIC: The Indigenous Ceremonial Change Process for Wellness Restoration is a sequencing of phases for healing, which is correction and curing, not coping. It is cross-cultural, intergenerational, inclusive, universal in practical application and can be translated into any language. The participants will learn and experience 1) Naming an out of balance condition and identifying the Root Cause; 2) Emptying through discernment between the Inverse thinking system and the Affirmative thinking system to purify and cleanse obstacles and stagnant crystalized thought forms of Groupthink, Cognitive Dissonance dis-ease and disease; 3) Reframing is out of Inverse thinking and into Affirmative thinking; 4) Group consensus for designing co-creative solutions; 5) Practical application of the power for social potential in systems level change.

Join us if you can, at 8pm EST (New York) in Co-Creators Convergence Zoom Room!

GUEST: Patricia Anne Davis
TOPIC: “Indigenous Ceremonial Change Process for Designing Co-Creative Solutions”
HOST: Becky Suzik
DATE: November 11, 2021, 8pm EST (New York)
TOPIC: “Indigenous Ceremonial Change Process for Designing Co-Creative Solutions”
Becky xoxo
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